Thursday, 7 April 2011

Best Birth Control Pill

Now a days, contraceptive pills are specially prepared to have a less dosage of artificial hormones unlike in 1950′s where a pill contains a maximum of 50 micrograms of estrogen. The main cause to do this is to lower the side effects of hormonal contraceptives. If the current medication is not comfortable than you need to take suggestions from your medical practitioner. Consuming contraceptives are not the correct choice for birth control for everyone. A minor change in your body is to tell whether the pill is suitable for you or not few ladies do not stand for with the estrogen pills, for them, they may appear as the main cause for all the side effects. For this reason low dose birth control pills have been designed to reduce these effects. Pills containing 0.02-0.035 mg of estrogen are regarded as low dose pills. For example, example pills like LoOvral, Desogen, Yasmin and Yaz contain a controlled amount of estrogen. Among these pills Yasmin and Yaz are less in estrogen. However, both differ in the type of progestin. If a person takes any kind of pain reliever or particular medicines, which include potassium as an ingredient for them Yasmin does not work at all. So better check with the medications that you take whether it’s potassium supplements or not. The side effects may change with every individual if there is a change in hormones in your body. Oral contraceptives help you in managing hormones and these pills help you not to ovulate, which cease you from pregnancy. Sometimes these low dose pills also increase the likelihood to have a heart stroke in ladies who suffer from metabolic disorder. This risk cannot be seen in case you cease using these pills.
Source:Birth Control Pill

Birth Control Types

The barrier methods act as material obstacles for the sperm from reaching the reproductive region of a female. Condom is regarded as one of the widely used and popular barrier methods. Both female and male condoms are available. Male condom is made up of the latex or polyurethane sheath and is positioned over the genitals of a man. Female condom is a flexible ring that made up of polyurethane. One finish of this ring is placed at the back of the public bone and the other remains an outer side of the vagina.
The other devices like diaphragms and cervical caps known as cervical barriers are inserted into the vagina after filling the technique with the spermicidal jelly. The contraceptive sponge comprises of a depression that holds it in the position above the cervix. Based on the cervical cap type, it remains in a position by suction to the cervix.
All the contraceptives come under the hormonal type of birth control, and the popular one is the pill. The pill is inclusive of both oral contraceptive pills and the estrogen free mini pill. Lunella is another form where it requires to be injected every month. The hormonal methods are effective to make use of but are also reversible and these do not defend sexually transmitted diseases.
Withdrawal comes under the section of behavioral methods in which a male pulls out his genitals out of the femal’s vagina prior to ejaculation. However, this technique is not much reliable and effective as a male ejects pre ejaculate liquid when inside the vagina, which may contain about 300,000 sperms. However,, in fact, an egg can be fertilized with 1 sperm.
Outer work is another kind, which involves manual stimulation, erotic massage, oral sex, anal sex, usage of sex toys, etc. Though this technique is thought about effective, it may not protect against STD’s and occurrence of pregnancy.

Source:Birth Control Types

Monday, 4 April 2011

Nuvaring For Birth Control

Nuvaring is if the effective methods of birth control. Nuvaring is made of inert plastics. It is flexible and transparent of about one inches in diameter. It contains hormones that enter the bloodstream directly, thus inhibiting ovulation. Wearing the ring for weeks, You can do all of your kinky stuff in the work of this time, it is removed for week, in which the menstrual period occurs.

Nuvaring is to prevent pregnancy by not releasing the eggs by the ovary. It also makes uterine lining thinner which in turn inhibit implantation of fertilized egg. It does not permit sperm to enter in the uterus by making the cervical mucus thicker. It is inserted in the vagina in between day & of the menstrual period, even if bleeding continues.

Nuvaring has a low failure rate. It is  99% effective in stopping pregnancy. However, after use of weeks you must reinsert a brand spanking new ring, as it is not thought about effective for over month.

If you wear Nuvaring for more or less than three weeks, the effectiveness of the ring will be a decrease.
If the ring is out of the vagina for less than three hours you can reinsert it after rinsing the ring with cold or lukewarm water (do not use hot water).
However, if the ring is out of the body for more than three hours, it is recommended that you must use other methods of birth control like a condom, until the new ring is inserted.

 Source:Nuvaring For Birth Control

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Birth Control Effective Methods

Most people right from their teenage years to their elder age need to have sex with their partners of the opposite sex with sexual activity. However, most of them are afraid of undesirable pregnancy, which can be caused to a woman & follow different methods to prevent pregnancy. One of the most common effective methods they follow is the method of stopping fertilization. In this method, a male sperm is prevented from entering a female egg released after ovulation. Though it is the most often used method to prevent undesirable pregnancy, it won't assure you from causing hazardous sexual transmitting diseases. Here they shall now speak about some of the important methods of stopping fertilization or stopping pregnancy.
Barrier methods: In these method barriers are used to prevent the sperms from reaching the egg. Things like a contraceptive sponge are to be placed in the vagina by making it wet to cover the cervix. It can be placed in the vagina up to 30 hours & ought to be removed after 30 hours. Other things like cervical caps & condoms are also used to prevent the fertilization or undesirable pregnancy.
Emergency birth control: inthis method emergency birth control pills are used incase offailure offemale birth control method. These pills are tobetaken asdirected sotorevent the intersection ofsperms with female egg. These pills ought tobetaken immediately after a sexual activity.

Hormonal methods: In thismethod birth control is achieved by taking pills for avoiding pregnancy. Theree' two types of pills available in the markets often known as mini& combined pills. A combined pillcontains estrogen & progestin thatis to be taken every day.Minipills contcontainyan onlygestin it is alsotaken every day simultaneously as the combined pills.Theres. several other methods for stopping fertilization or pregnancy but above are the some of the mostoften usedmethods by the people. But However, thing about these methods is thattheywon't act as abarrier between you & sexual transmitting disedisease,ess you use a condom.

Source:Birth Control Effective Methods

Advantages of Birth Control Pills

The following is few advantages of birth control pills:

Can improve acne: For modest, to serious acne, which over-the-counter & prescription drugs won't treat, birth control pills may be prescribed. The hormones in the birth control pill can help to prevent acne from forming.

Reduce the risk of symptomatic endometriosis. Females who have Endometriosis are less likely to have pelvic pain & some other signs when they are using the pill. Birth control pills won't cure Endometriosis, however. It may prevent the disease from increasing. Birth control pills are the first- alternative medication for controlling Endometriosis development & pain. This is since birth control hormones are the hormone treatment that is least probable to cause bad side effects.

Improve fibrocystic breasts. About, 70 - 90% of patients see development in the signs of fibrocystic breast situations by use of birth control pills.

Improved excess hair (hirsutism): Females with much facial or body hair may become rid of excessive growth while making use of the Pill, since androgens & testosterone are suppressed by birth control pills. High androgen levels can cause darkening of facial & body hair, chiefly on the chin, chest, & stomach.

Prevent ectopic pregnancy. As birth control pills work chiefly by reducing ovulation, they effectively cease ectopic pregnancy in addition to normal pregnancy. This makes the pills an excellent contraceptive option for females who are at particular risk for ectopic pregnancy, a potentially life-threatening condition.

Safe for lots of females: A study for over 40 years had proven long term safety for females using them.
Therefore, usage of a birth control pills not only prevents pregnancy but also includes some additional benefits.

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